Meet one of the Wagg office dogs, Sybil the flat coated retriever!
Flat coated retrievers have been a part of the Wagg family since the very beginning and we wanted to share a bit more about our current Chairman's flatcoat Sybil.

Sybil is liver coloured and was born November 2019. Sybil is extremely loveable, has no concept of personal space (always getting too close for comfort) and lives with two other dachshunds. Unfortunately, she believes she is the same size as the miniature dachshunds and will try and sit or lie across you at any given opportunity!
Typical for a lot of working dog breeds, she constantly has to carry a toy in her mouth. At home her favourite toy is 'pheasant' and in the office it's everyone else's toys - which she not only takes but parades around in front of them!

When Sybil greets her favourite people she wrinkles her nose, if you are extra special you will get a wrinkle or two on both sides, as opposed to her one sided “Billy Idol” approach.
Sybil also loves to help out in the garden which is very useful if you need a hole digging, she just needs a bit more direction as to where to dig! She adores finding friends in the garden. We have toads and hedgehogs which she loves to watch at night (when I’m trying to get her to pee)! Butterflies are a particular favourite - loves to try to catch them (never does).
Sybil is a classic, needy flatcoat. She is non-aggressive, good with all dogs, very fit, is a bundle of energy. She is a very beautiful dog with lovely feathers on her legs and tail. I have often been told that I should show her as she has a wonderful “gait” when trotting along.
She has beautiful amber eyes that are very good for getting more Wagg treats!