Great Grandfather Page started an animal feeding mill in Tadcaster called Page Feed.

Wagg is well-established as one of the UK’s favourite pet foods. Come and discover how it all began - and see where we are going next!
Great Grandfather Page started an animal feeding mill in Tadcaster called Page Feed.
We launched our first dry food range - a Muesli flaked complete food.
Wagg was founded in 1990! Initially, the company had just six staff and we kick started our range with our dry dog and bunny foods.
Opened our pet food extrusion factory and equipped it with the latest production equipment, capable of producing in excess of 40,000 tonnes of extruded product per year.
Became the UK’s largest independent producer of dry food.
Re-branded Wagg with fun and exciting new designs.
Became the first major pet food manufacturer to claim Carbon Negative status by offsetting our carbon emissions for our manufacturing/production, office and employees and reached 300 people employed.
Donated 1 million meals to pet charities across the UK.
Planting our Wagg Wood as part of our mission to become the most sustainable, most loved pet care brand in the UK
Explore Wagg’s World and discover fun and games, and some exciting competitions